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  • Writer's pictureRowan Day

What I'm Looking Forward To In 2020

Updated: May 7, 2020

Hello! Happy Holidays.

I’ve prepared this list of books, primarily fantasy, that I’m really looking forward to in 2020. A few of the books are the second or third in a series that are on by TBR, but I plan to read soon so I’m including those anyways. There are a few books on here not in my usual line of sight, but that I’m still interested in.

Apparently, February is THE month for book releases. I’ve ordered these in order of release date. Clearly I’m going to have no money with the cost of these books, but it’s worth it! Let me know what book you’re looking forward to the most!

The Unspoken Name, by A.K. Larkwood

Release date: February 11, 2020

Price: Hardcover is available for pre-order at $34.64 CAD on Amazon

Summary: The orc priestess Csorwe knew where and when she would die. But on the date of the death, a mage offers to change her fate and become his spy and assassin, to help him overthrow an empire and take the throne. But the god she has forsaken will not let her debt be forgotten.

The book immediately catches my interest for many reasons - twisting fate, orcs, mages, empire-overthrowing. All of my favourite things. Very excited for this one.

The Snow Collectors, by Tina May Hall

Release date: February 12, 2020

Publisher: Dzanc Books

Price: $25.50 CAD (It’s 16.95 USD, which should only be $21 CAD, but ok capitalism)

Summary: The Snow Collectors follows a young woman named Henna who, after the death of her parents and twin sister, finds the body of a woman and becomes entangled in a mystery centering on the Franklin expedition through an old letter. As she investigates, she becomes aware that someone is watching her who doesn’t want the truth to come out.

The cover of this book is what initially caught my eye on twitter, and the concept is intriguing - I would love to pre-order this guy but it’s 224 pages and I simply cannot justify the price so I will be badgering my local used bookstore until someone else buys it and drops it off there.

Asperfell, by Jamie Thomas

Release date: February 18, 2020y Jamie Thomas

Publisher: Uproar Books

Price: $18.50 (USD)

Summary - Briony, the young protagonist, must go through the gate to Asperfell, the other-word prison that holds the worst mages. Only in Asperfell can she possibly find the heir to the throne of her kingdom, Tiralaen, facing civil war.

The concept is definitely up my alley. The cover is very tree of life-esque, which further interests me. The kindle version is $9.21 CAD so I think I’ll be picking that up.

The Seventh Sun, by Lani Forbes

Release date: February 18, 2020

Price (hardcover): Hardcover is available for pre-order at $24.92 CAD on Amazon

Summary- Prince Ahkin has been given leadership after the death of his father. His lineage controls the sun, and no matter what he does, the sun is fading. To become emperor, he must marry. Seven girls must compete against each other to marry Ahkin and become empress of the Chicome people.

People controlling the sun? Sign me up. All I have to say. I was instantly interested in this book just based off the synopsis, and plan to purchase it as soon as possible.

Master of Sorrows, by Justin T. Call

Release date: February 25, 2020

Price: Hardcover is available for pre-order at $39.48 CAD on Amazon

Summary: Annev is a young boy with a secret enrolled at the Academy of Chaenbalu, a school that trains students to find magical artifacts and guard them from being used. The most skilled students become Avatars, skilled thieves who can steal the most heavily guarded artifacts and can resist the allure of magic. Annev struggles with a secret identity, secret deformity, and secret magic while trying to navigate his future.

I think this is going to be a really interesting read and it’s one of the books I’m most interested in coming out in 2020.

The Poet King (The Harp and Ring Sequence, #3) by Ilana C. Myer

Release date: March 24, 2020

Publisher: Tor Books

Price:Hardcover is available for pre-order at $38.50 CAD on Amazon

Summary: This is the third book in the Harp and Ring Sequence. A new king rises as the ruler of the nation of Tamryllin, who proclaims to be the Poet King. Rianna is suspicious of him, and investigates the mysterious weapon beneath the castle. A distant nation is in civil war, and the old court poet Lin Amaristoth organizes putting a stop to the coronation of the Poet King.

I really enjoyed the first two books, so I’m really looking forward to this one.

Broken People, by Sam Lansky

Release date: June 9, 2020

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Price: Hardcover is available for pre-order at $34.99 CAD on Amazon

Summary - The protagonist, Sam, hears talk at a party of a man who can fix all your problems. Suffering from some mental health problems himself, Sam is desperate for a cure, and signs up for a weekend with the shaman.

This isn’t really my “usual read” but I’m really interested in the premise and it looks very promising. Plus, broadening horizons and all that jazz.

The Silvered Serpents (The Gilded Wolves, #2) by Roshani Chokshi

Release date: September 22, 2020

Publisher: Wednesday Books

Price: Hardcover is available for pre-order at $25.73 CAD on Amazon

Summary: This book is the second in The Gilded Wolves series. Séverin and his team pursue an ancient artifact straight into Russia, filled with winter monsters, goddesses, and unsolved murders.

I have not yet read the Gilded Wolves, but it’s on my TBR and the reviews on it lead me to believe the sequel will be just as good. I plan to have read the Gilded Wolves by the time Silvered Serpents is released!

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